
One good turn deserves another. 好心有好報;投桃報李。

這句諺語直譯是「一個好的舉動值得另一個好的舉動」,句中的good turn是「善意的舉動;幫助」。這句話通常用在一個人對另一個人做了好事,而對方投桃報李的舉動。例如有人這次讓你搭便車,你就可以說:I'll give you a ride next time-one good turn deserves another.(下次換我載你─投桃報李嘛)。台灣這些年出現許多詐騙集團及詐騙手法,逼得老百姓不得不對他人抱持警戒心,也讓這個社會相形冷漠。不過台灣人天性善良、樂於助人,這些特質仍沒有改變,從這次莫拉克颱風造成的「八八水災」來說,我們依然看到許多國人的善行義舉,災區也處處可見志工的身影,這就是台灣人最好的特質。其實只要我們願意為別人付出,這世界也會如此回報我們;one good turn deserves another,就是這個道理!

實用對話 Conversation

A:Alan, the girl of your dreams, Hannah, just asked me about you.

B:Seriously? What did you tell her?

A:I told her that you look wild on the outside but are gentle on the inside, and that distinguished young men like you are hard to come by.

B:Thank you for putting in a good word for me! One good turn deserves another. I've just decided to help you with your semester report!

A: You'd do that for me? You're my savior!

B: Not only that, I'll even help you win George over!

A: 阿倫,你朝思暮想的那個阿花剛剛跟我打聽你的事耶。

B: 真的?那妳怎麼說?

A: 我說你外表狂野、內心溫柔,是個不可多得的有為青年啦。

B: 真是謝謝妳替我講好話!好心有好報,我決定幫妳寫學期報告!

A: 你真的願意幫我?你是我的救星!

B: 不只如此,我還要幫妳追到阿周!


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